ICT Summer Institute Presents
This workshop is open to out of board participants. Email summer@wecdsb.on.ca
Will Richardson will discuss how teachers and administrators can use the web to enrich your classroom activities. Learn how to use the web to work more efficiently and create your own network for research and resource sharing. Will is a former teacher and uses his experience to provide practical examples of web 2.0 classroom solutions.
In Addition:
Doug will spend the morning walking teachers through the use of Wikis in the classroom. Wikis are collaborative web sites that can be used for information dissemination or actual interaction with students such as threaded discussions in a controlled environment. In order to build a wiki you will need 7 minutes and access to a browser, that's it! Teachers are using wikis for class web pages, discussion groups, peer editing, homework boards, calendars and access to resources. Come out and build yours!